Electronics and Computers

How to Connect 4 Speakers to 2 Channel Amplifier

How to Connect 4 Speakers to 2 Channel Amplifier

If you are out of budget and can’t afford to buy a 4 channel amplifier to run 4 speakers, however, you have a 2 channel amplifier, the good news is that you can connect 4 speakers to 2 channel amplifier all by yourself.

What is a 2 Channel amplifier?

An amplifier that is capable of running two speakers or a sub-woofer is called a two-channel amplifier. We can also connect more speakers with it, but there’s a trick that we will learn today.

Now here are some methods by which you can connect your speakers.

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How to Connect 4 Speakers to 2 Channel Amplifier

There are three ways to connect 4 speakers to 2 channel amplifier. These all the methods are so simple that anyone can do them on their own if they want to because it would just require a single screwdriver and a little help and for the second part, I am here to help you out. So, these are the following three ways to perform the operation.

  1. Connecting Wires in Series
  2. Connecting Wires in Parallel
  3. Using a Switch Box

So, now let me explain, how you can perform these actions.

Connecting Wires in Series

Connecting the amplifier in the series is much easier than connecting them in parallel connection. But it is not the best way to do this. Because in series connection when one speaker fails or a single wire is broken then you’re all the connection will no longer work and you have to change the speaker or the wire to make it work. And also, when you are connecting the speaker in series then you have to make sure that the amplifier doesn’t exceed its limits.

Here is a guide

Step 1:

Connect the wire from the positive terminal to the positive terminal of the first speaker and then connect the wire from the negative terminal of the first speaker to the positive terminal of the second speaker.

Step 2:

And then connect the wire with the negative terminal of the second to positive terminal of the third speaker and now repeat this step with the fourth speaker.

Step 3:

After that connect the negative terminal of the fourth speaker with the negative terminal of that amplifier

This is easy and should get the job done but I will always prefer the parallel series connection over the series connection.

Connecting Wires in Parallel

Connecting wire in the parallel is a little difficult as compared to the series connection. But it is better. Even the failure of one speaker or wire will not stop the rest of the connection. There are also two ways of connecting wires in the parallel series. Let’s discuss them one by one.

Method 1:

The first process is easy and very simple. You just have to connect both the positive terminal of the speaker with the positive terminal of the amplifier and then connect both the negative terminal of the speaker to the negative terminal of the amplifier and your connection will be done.

Method 2:

There is also another way to connect the speakers with the amplifier but it is difficult and more time taking if you want to connect them with this method.

This type of wiring is also called a “Daisy Chain” wiring. In this, you have to connect all the positive terminals of the speakers with each other through wires and then connect it to the positive terminal of the amplifier. And then connect all the negative terminal of the speakers with each other and then connect it with the negative terminal of the amplifier.

Most people say that there is no such difference between these two methods so; you can adopt any one of these.

Connecting with Switch Box

Connecting wires using the switch box is the easiest and safest way to do this job. Because your switch box can take care of any impendence resulting from the connection of the speaker and can even take care of any high resistance and can save your amplifier. Many of the switch boxes also come with their own volume control.

Here is a way of connecting through a switch box:

First, connect both the terminal of the amplifier in the output option of the switch box. Make sure both the terminals are connected in the right spot.

After that, connect all the speaker wires in the input section of the switch box.

In this way, you can easily connect all the speakers with your amplifier.

Is it Safe to Connect 4 Speakers to 2 Channel Amplifier?

Yes, connecting 4 speakers to a 2 channel is completely safe. It will not damage any hardware device. Just keep one thing in mind that never use a sub-woofer or a speaker having more resistance than the amplifier otherwise it can damage your devices. When you connect 4 speakers to a 2 channel amplifier the overall performance of the amplifier will be reduced and you will not get the full performance out of the speakers.

Most people give money to other technicians to connect the amplifier to their cars or even when they have to connect speakers with the amplifier. You can also connect speakers with the amplifier on our own. And I think that after reading this article you will able to perform this task easily. Give it a try on your own; you can end up saving some of your money.

Conclusion | Connect 4 Speakers to 2 Channel Amplifier

In this article, I have briefly explained what a 2 channel amplifier is and how we can connect 4 speakers with the 2 channel amplifier. If you want to do it on your own then it is safe to do it. And please let me know your thoughts about this article in the comments section below.



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